Lowdown Piano is available for Tuning, Action Regulation, Soundboard and Bridge Repair, Restringing, Voicing, Touchweight Corrections as well as a host of other services.



Steve Brady
Concert Technician
Known since 2006
Steve@stevebrady.com or 206-229-9735

John Callahan
Owner of Callahan Piano Services
Known since 2006
john@callahanpiano.com or 510-207-9876

Martha Taylor
Owner of The Immortal Piano Co.
Known since 2003
Martha@immortalpiano.com or 503-233-2234

Select Clients

Brickfactory Recording Studio
Berkeley, CA

Laney Community College
Oakland, CA

Korum Bischoff
Music Teacher, Bainbridge Island, WA

Johnny Bregar
Recording artist, Johnny Bregar Band, Seattle, WA


Lowdown Piano

New Orleans, LA; The Islands of British Canada; Mexico City, Mexico
In-Home Tuning and Repair
Job Title: Owner
Clients include: Venues, Symphony Halls, Festivals, In-Home Tunings, Recording Studios, Colleges, Quaker meetings


Evergreen State College Graduate

Olympia, WA
Job Title: Student
Advanced Audio Engineering Program, independent learning contract in Paris, France - Cultural Tones: African Tunings in France

Winter 2013

Winter Piano Festival

Icicle Creek Music Center
Leavenworth, WA
Concert Tuning
Job Title: Piano Tuner

Summer 2011

Aspen Music Festival

Aspen, CO
In-Home Tuning and Repair
Job Title: Apprentice Piano Tuner


Callahan Piano Services

San Francisco, CA
Job Title: Piano Re-Builder
Job Duties: Action Re-Building and Installation, Soundboard Repair and Refinishing, Re-Stringing and Plate Gilding, Chipping to Pitch, Regulation, Installment of “Stanwood Touch System”, Case Touch-Up, Key Work and Ivory Restoration


D.C. Pianos

Berkeley, CA
Job Title: Technician
Job Duties: Prep and Tune New Pianos, Customer Sales and Service, In-Home Repair and Tuning, Case Touch-Up


Immortal Piano Co.

Portland, OR
Job Title: Technician
Job Duties: Regulation, Action Reconditioning, Customer Sales and Services, In-Home Repair, Piano Purchaser

Relevant Skills, and Educational Experiences:

  • Evergreen State College independent learning contract in Paris, France - Cultural Tones: African Tunings in France

  • Worked with concert tuner Rafael Huberman in his small re-building shop in Oaxaca, Mexico.

  • Volunteered at “Casa De Los Amigos”, a peace center in Mexico City and rebuilt piano for their social hall.

  • Finished wood tech program at Laney College in Oakland, CA and mastered the ability to use and maintain wood working machinery.

  • Worked extensively with Steve Brady RPT, teacher and concert tuner on tuning hammer technique and tuning stability, worked in Steve’s rebuild shop located in the Sherman and Clay piano store in downtown Seattle.

  • San Francisco PTG secretary.